"Despropositado" is used in the Spanish language to describe something that is unreasonable, senseless, or absurd. It conveys the idea of something lacking coherence or logic. This word is more commonly used in written contexts, such as literature, articles, and formal conversations.
Su respuesta fue completamente despropositada.
(His response was completely absurd.)
Me parece despropositado que tengamos que pagar más impuestos.
(I find it unreasonable that we have to pay more taxes.)
Sus comentarios despropositados causaron confusión en la reunión.
(His senseless comments caused confusion at the meeting.)
Después de la fiesta, estaban todos despropositados.
(After the party, they were all out of sorts.)
Salirle a alguien despropositados/as:
Le salieron unas excusas despropositadas cuando le preguntaron por qué llegó tarde.
(He came up with some unreasonable excuses when asked why he was late.)
Decir un despropositado:
The word "despropositado" comes from the combination of the prefix "des-" (indicating negation or opposite action) and the word "propositado", which is the past participle of the verb "proponer" (to propose). Therefore, "despropositado" conveys the idea of something that goes against what was proposed or intended.