"Destinar" is a transitive verb in Spanish that means to allocate, designate, assign, or devote something (like resources, funds, etc.) for a specific purpose. It is commonly used in both written and oral contexts, notably in legal, military, and general discussions concerning expected uses or assignments of resources or responsibilities.
In terms of frequency of use, "destinar" is relatively common in formal contexts, such as business, legal documents, and reports, but it is also used in everyday conversations when discussing plans or assignments.
"El gobierno decidió destinar más fondos para la educación."
"The government decided to allocate more funds for education."
"Han destinado a un nuevo grupo de investigadores para el proyecto."
"They have designated a new group of researchers for the project."
"Es importante destinar tiempo en la formación del personal."
"It's important to devote time to staff training."
"Destinar" appears in various idiomatic expressions, often relating to purpose or intention. Below are some examples:
"La empresa debe destinar un esfuerzo significativo para aumentar la producción."
"The company must allocate a significant effort to increase production."
"Destinar fondos"
"To assign funds"
"La ONG decidió destinar fondos a la protección del medio ambiente."
"The NGO decided to assign funds for environmental protection."
"Destinar recursos"
"To designate resources"
"Es vital destinar recursos adecuados para el desarrollo sostenible."
"It is vital to designate adequate resources for sustainable development."
"Destinar tiempo"
"To devote time"
"Debemos destinar tiempo a la planificación antes de iniciar el proyecto."
"We must devote time to planning before starting the project."
"No destinar una opción"
"Not to assign an option"
"Destinar" originates from the Latin word "destinare," which means to set aside, establish, or determine. The word has evolved in usage to represent the act of allocating or designating for a specific purpose.
Synonyms: - Asignar (to assign) - Designar (to designate) - Destinar (to allocate) - Conceder (to grant)
Antonyms: - Retirar (to withdraw) - Negar (to deny) - Desasignar (to unassign) - Desatender (to neglect)