Dignidad is a noun.
Dignidad refers to the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect. In a general context, it implies having a sense of self-respect or self-worth. In legal terms, it can relate to the concept of human dignity, which is foundational in many human rights frameworks and legal discussions.
The dignity of a person must always be respected.
La dignidad humana es un principio fundamental en nuestra constitución.
Human dignity is a fundamental principle in our constitution.
La dignidad en el trabajo es esencial para el bienestar de los empleados.
While "dignidad" does not appear in many traditional idiomatic expressions, it is associated with several expressions that emphasize the importance of respect and integrity.
Acting with dignity is a display of strength.
La dignidad no se vende, se gana con respeto.
Dignity cannot be bought; it is earned with respect.
Perder la dignidad es lo peor que puede pasar en una situación difícil.
Losing dignity is the worst thing that can happen in a difficult situation.
Todos merecemos vivir con dignidad, independientemente de nuestras circunstancias.
The word "dignidad" comes from the Latin term "dignitas," which derives from "dignus," meaning "worthy." This Latin root emphasizes the intrinsic value and respect associated with the concept of dignity.
Synonyms: - Honra (honor) - Respeto (respect) - Valía (worth)
Antonyms: - Indignidad (indignity) - Deshonra (dishonor) - Humillación (humiliation)