The verb "disiparse" in Spanish generally means to scatter, disperse, or fade away. It is often used in both tangible contexts (like clouds or smoke dispersing) and intangible contexts (like doubts or fears fading away). The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, though it might appear more often in descriptive or literary forms.
Las nubes comenzaron a disiparse después de la tormenta.
The clouds began to dissipate after the storm.
Sus dudas se disiparon cuando escuchó la explicación.
His doubts faded away when he heard the explanation.
El humo se disipó rápidamente en el aire.
The smoke quickly dispersed in the air.
"Disiparse" is part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish, often referring to the idea of something disappearing or becoming less significant.
Cuando se disipó el miedo, pudo enfrentar la situación.
When the fear dissipated, he was able to face the situation.
Las preocupaciones se disipan con el tiempo.
Worries fade away over time.
A medida que la noche avanzaba, la niebla se disipaba.
As the night went on, the fog dispersed.
Él se disipó entre la multitud y no lo volví a ver.
He faded away into the crowd and I never saw him again.
The word "disiparse" comes from the Latin "dissipare," which means to scatter or disperse. "Dissipare" is formed from the prefix "dis-" (meaning apart) and "sapere" (to taste, to know) that evolved into the notion of scattering.
This comprehensive overview of the word "disiparse" covers its meaning, usage, idiomatic expressions, and other linguistic aspects, presenting a well-rounded understanding of the term in Spanish.