divorcio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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divorcio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Divorcio" refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage. In the Spanish language, it is primarily used in legal contexts but can also appear in everyday conversation when discussing marital status or relationship issues. The frequency of use can be moderate, as it predominantly exists in written forms such as legal documents, news articles, or discussions about family law, though it may also appear in oral contexts among friends or family discussing personal situations.

Example Sentences

  1. "El divorcio puede ser un proceso complicado emocionalmente."
    ("Divorce can be an emotionally complicated process.")

  2. "Después de su divorcio, decidió mudarse a otra ciudad."
    ("After her divorce, she decided to move to another city.")

  3. "El divorcio en Colombia ha aumentado en los últimos años."
    ("Divorce in Colombia has increased in recent years.")

Idiomatic Expressions

While "divorcio" itself is not frequently used in idiomatic expressions, it does occur in common phrases related to relationships:

  1. "Divorcio de mutuo acuerdo"
    ("Mutual consent divorce"): Refers to a divorce where both parties agree on the terms and conditions.
    Example: "Decidieron hacer un divorcio de mutuo acuerdo para evitar conflictos."
    ("They decided to have a mutual consent divorce to avoid conflicts.")

  2. "Divorcio inminente"
    ("Imminent divorce"): Used to describe a situation where a divorce is likely to occur soon.
    Example: "La tensión entre ellos era evidente, y todos sabían que un divorcio inminente era solo cuestión de tiempo."
    ("The tension between them was evident, and everyone knew that an imminent divorce was just a matter of time.")

  3. "Divorcio amistoso"
    ("Friendly divorce"): This refers to a divorce that proceeds without hostility, where both parties maintain a civil relationship.
    Example: "A pesar del divorcio, lograron mantener un divorcio amistoso por el bien de sus hijos."
    ("Despite the divorce, they managed to maintain a friendly divorce for the sake of their children.")


The word "divorcio" originates from the Latin "divortium," which means "separation." The root "divertere" means "to turn apart," reflecting the concept of separating.

Synonyms and Antonyms
