dni - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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dni (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun

Phonetic Transcription: DNI [deˈeneˈi]

Meanings and Usage: DNI stands for "Documento Nacional de Identidad", which translates to National Identity Document. It is an identification card that every Spanish citizen over the age of 14 must have. The DNI contains personal information such as name, photo, date of birth, and a unique identification number. It is commonly used for administrative purposes, legal transactions, and as a proof of identity. The term is widely used in both oral and written contexts in Spanish-speaking countries, especially in official settings.

Examples in Spanish: 1. Necesito renovar mi DNI. (I need to renew my National Identity Document.) 2. Es obligatorio llevar el DNI encima. (It is mandatory to carry the National Identity Document with you.)

Idiomatic Expressions: Due to the importance of the DNI in Spanish society, there are several idiomatic expressions related to identification and paperwork that include the term "DNI". Here are some examples:

  1. "Perder los papeles y el DNI": to lose one's cool or composure.
  2. "No hacer falta ni DNI": to not need any identification or proof.
  3. "DNI en mano": on the spot, right away.

Etymology: The term "DNI" has its origins in the Spanish language abbreviation for "Documento Nacional de Identidad", which directly translates to National Identity Document.

Synonyms and Antonyms: - Synonyms: Documento de Identidad, Carnet de Identidad. - Antonyms: Anónimo (Anonymous), Desconocido (Unknown).