Part of speech - Verb phrase
Phonetic transcription - /do'blar el es.pi'naθo/
Translation options - To bend over backwards
Meaning "Doblar el espinazo" is a Spanish expression that literally translates to "to bend the spine." Metaphorically, it means to make a great effort or sacrifice in order to achieve something or please someone. This expression is commonly used to convey the idea of making a significant concession or effort to accommodate someone else's wishes or demands. It is more frequently found in oral speech rather than in written contexts, used to emphasize the idea of going above and beyond for someone or something.
Example sentences 1. Me estoy doblando el espinazo para llegar a fin de mes. Translation: I am bending over backwards to make ends meet.
Idiomatic expressions "Doblar el espinazo" is not part of a common idiomatic expression repertoire in Spanish.
Etymology The phrase "doblar el espinazo" comes from the combination of the verb "doblar" (to bend) and the noun "espinazo" (spine). The metaphorical meaning of this expression emphasizes the act of going to great lengths or making significant efforts, akin to the physical act of bending one's spine.
Synonyms and Antonyms - Synonyms: Esforzarse al máximo (to make a maximum effort), Sacrificarse (to sacrifice oneself), Ceder en exceso (to concede excessively) - Antonyms: Mantenerse firme (to stand one's ground), No ceder (not to concede), No hacer más de lo necesario (not to do more than necessary)