The word "dolencia" is a noun.
/dole̞nˈθja/ (in Spain) or /dole̞nˈsja/ (in Latin America)
"Dolencia" refers to a physical or mental condition that causes pain, discomfort, or an ailment. In the Spanish language, it is primarily used in medical contexts to describe various ailments or diseases, though it can also be used in more general terms to signify discomfort or troubles.
The frequency of usage is moderate, predominantly found in written contexts like medical literature and research but is also common in spoken contexts, particularly in healthcare settings.
"El médico diagnosticó una dolencia en la rodilla."
"The doctor diagnosed an ailment in the knee."
"Las dolencias crónicas pueden afectar la calidad de vida."
"Chronic ailments can affect quality of life."
"Es importante tratar cualquier dolencia a tiempo."
"It is important to treat any ailment in a timely manner."
"Dolencia" is not widely used in idiomatic expressions, but its core meaning can connect to various phrases emphasizing the aspect of discomfort or illness.
"No hay dolencia que dure cien años."
"There is no ailment that lasts a hundred years." (This indicates that most problems are temporary.)
"A veces, las dolencias vienen por el estrés."
"Sometimes, ailments come from stress." (This means stress can lead to various health issues.)
"Debemos aprender a convivir con nuestras dolencias."
"We must learn to live with our ailments." (This suggests acceptance of one’s health issues.)
The term "dolencia" comes from the Latin word "dolentia," which derives from "dolens," the present participle of the verb "dolere," meaning "to suffer" or "to feel pain."
This structured overview provides a comprehensive insight into the meaning and use of the word "dolencia" in Spanish.