donar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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donar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "donar" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Donar" means to give something voluntarily, especially money or goods, without expecting anything in return. It is commonly used in contexts related to charity, philanthropy, and support for social causes. The frequency of use is relatively high in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions about fundraising, charitable activities, and donations to institutions.

Example Sentences: 1. Decidí donar una parte de mis ahorros a la organización benéfica. - I decided to donate a part of my savings to the charitable organization. 2. Es importante donar sangre para ayudar a quienes lo necesitan. - It is important to donate blood to help those in need.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, "donar" is often part of various expressions related to altruism and giving. Here are a few idiomatic expressions:

  1. Donar hasta el alma
  2. Meaning: To be very generous, to give everything one can.
  3. Ejemplo: Ella es tan generosa que está dispuesta a donar hasta el alma por una buena causa.
  4. Translation: She is so generous that she is willing to donate even her soul for a good cause.

  5. Donar la vida

  6. Meaning: To sacrifice oneself for others.
  7. Ejemplo: Los bomberos están dispuestos a donar la vida por salvar a otros.
  8. Translation: Firefighters are willing to donate their lives to save others.

  9. No hay nada que no se pueda donar

  10. Meaning: Everything can be given away or donated.
  11. Ejemplo: En esta comunidad, no hay nada que no se pueda donar; todo se reutiliza.
  12. Translation: In this community, there is nothing that cannot be donated; everything is reused.


The word "donar" comes from the Latin "donare," which means "to give." This Latin root is related to the concept of donation, presenting a long history of altruism and charitable acts in the language.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Ofrecer (to offer) - Regalar (to gift) - Contribuir (to contribute)

Antonyms: - Retener (to retain) - Negar (to deny) - Quitar (to take away)

Overall, "donar" embodies an essential concept of giving in various contexts, significantly emphasizing generosity and communal support within Spanish-speaking cultures.
