dorado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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dorado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Golden
  2. Gilded
  3. Dore (used in the context of metal purity)

Meaning and Usage

"Dorado" means "golden" in Spanish and is primarily used to describe something that has the color or qualities of gold. It can also be used metaphorically to describe something valuable or precious. This adjective tends to appear both in oral and written contexts, often associated with descriptions of objects, food, and experiences. Its usage reflects a frequency that varies by region and context, but it is commonly understood and deployed in day-to-day language.

Example Sentences

  1. El anillo dorado brilla mucho.
    The golden ring shines a lot.

  2. El atardecer tenía un color dorado impresionante.
    The sunset had an impressive golden color.

  3. Serví el pescado dorado con una salsa deliciosa.
    I served the golden fish with a delicious sauce.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "dorado" is often included in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, where it may convey abstract qualities of value, beauty, or high status.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. La vida es un camino dorado.
    Life is a golden path.
    (Meaning: Life can be beautiful and full of opportunities.)

  2. No todo lo que brilla es dorado.
    Not everything that glitters is gold.
    (Meaning: Appearances can be deceptive.)

  3. Un sueño dorado.
    A golden dream.
    (Meaning: An idealistic or highly desirable goal.)

  4. Tener un corazón dorado.
    To have a golden heart.
    (Meaning: To be kind and generous.)

  5. Un momento dorado.
    A golden moment.
    (Meaning: A particularly special or memorable moment.)


The word "dorado" comes from the Spanish verb "dorar," which means "to gild" or "to make gold." "Dorar" itself has its roots in the Latin word "aurare," derived from "aurum," meaning "gold." This lineage highlights the descriptive allure associated with gold and its various applications.

Synonyms and Antonyms



Overall, "dorado" is a versatile adjective in Spanish that captures both the material and metaphorical richness associated with the color gold, making it a valuable part of the language.
