draga - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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draga (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "draga" is a noun (feminine) in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "draga" typically refers to a type of vessel (dredger) used for removing sediment from the bottom of a body of water, typically to make it deeper or to remove obstructions. It can also refer to the act of dredging itself. The usage of "draga" is more common in written contexts, especially in technical, environmental, or geographical discussions related to waterways.

Example Sentences

  1. La draga está trabajando en el canal para profundizarlo.
  2. The dredger is working in the canal to deepen it.

  3. La construcción de la nueva draga ayudará a mantener los puertos limpios.

  4. The construction of the new dredger will help keep the ports clean.

  5. La draga se utiliza para extraer arena del lecho marino.

  6. The dredger is used to extract sand from the seabed.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "draga" may not be a common word in many idiomatic expressions, it can still be related to phrases involving dredging and water navigation. Here are some examples that include the concept of "draga":

  1. Estar en una draga - To be in a situation where things are being dug up or revealed.
  2. Estaba en una draga al investigar el pasado de la empresa.
  3. I was in a dredge while investigating the company's past.

  4. Dredging up the past (similar in English context) - Relating to bringing up old issues or memories that may have been better left untouched.

  5. No me gusta cuando empiezas a dragar el pasado en nuestras conversaciones.
  6. I don't like it when you start dredging up the past in our conversations.


The word "draga" originates from the Latin "dragāre," which means to drag or draw, referring to the act of pulling or removing substances from a body of water.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Dragado (dredging) - Dredador (dredger)

Antonyms: - Relleno (filling) - Llenar (to fill)

Overall, "draga" represents a significant term in the context of waterway management and environmental engineering, particularly in regions where navigation and sediment management are critical.
