"echacuervas" can be translated into English as "to get out of a situation without taking responsibility" or "to wash one's hands of an issue."
The term "echacuervas" is used in Spanish to refer to avoiding or shirking responsibilities. It is a colloquial expression commonly used in oral speech in informal contexts. This term is not frequently used in written contexts and might be considered more informal or regional.
Spanish: Siempre que hay un problema, él se las arregla para echacuervas. English: Whenever there is a problem, he manages to avoid taking responsibility.
Spanish: No puedes simplemente echacuervas de esta situación, debes hacer algo al respecto. English: You can't just wash your hands of this situation; you must do something about it.
Dejar a alguien con la palabra en la boca Translation: To leave someone hanging Example sentence: Siempre me deja con la palabra en la boca cuando hablamos sobre su responsabilidad en el proyecto. English: He always leaves me hanging when we talk about his responsibility in the project.
Echar balones fuera Translation: To dodge responsibility Example sentence: Siempre echa balones fuera cuando le preguntamos quién causó el problema. English: He always dodges responsibility when we ask him who caused the issue.
Lavar las manos Translation: To wash one's hands of a situation Example sentence: No puedes simplemente lavarte las manos de esta situación, debes enfrentar las consecuencias. English: You can't just wash your hands of this situation; you must face the consequences.
The term "echacuervas" combines the verb "echar" (to throw or cast) with "cuervas," which doesn't have a direct translation but can be understood as "curves" or "responsibilities." Together, the term conveys the idea of throwing away or avoiding responsibilities.