echacuervas - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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echacuervas (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


Translation options

"echacuervas" can be translated into English as "to get out of a situation without taking responsibility" or "to wash one's hands of an issue."


The term "echacuervas" is used in Spanish to refer to avoiding or shirking responsibilities. It is a colloquial expression commonly used in oral speech in informal contexts. This term is not frequently used in written contexts and might be considered more informal or regional.

Example sentences

  1. Spanish: Siempre que hay un problema, él se las arregla para echacuervas. English: Whenever there is a problem, he manages to avoid taking responsibility.

  2. Spanish: No puedes simplemente echacuervas de esta situación, debes hacer algo al respecto. English: You can't just wash your hands of this situation; you must do something about it.

Idiomatic expressions


The term "echacuervas" combines the verb "echar" (to throw or cast) with "cuervas," which doesn't have a direct translation but can be understood as "curves" or "responsibilities." Together, the term conveys the idea of throwing away or avoiding responsibilities.

Synonyms and Antonyms