echar voz - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

echar voz (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech:

The user input "echar voz" consists of two words: "echar" (verb) and "voz" (noun).

Phonetic Transcription:


Use in Spanish:

The phrase "echar voz" is used in Spanish to refer to raising one's voice or speaking up. It is a relatively common expression and can be used in both oral and written contexts, although it is more frequently used in spoken language to indicate raising one's voice or speaking louder.

Example Sentences:

  1. Spanish: Si tienes algo que decir, echa voz y dilo claramente. English: If you have something to say, speak up and say it clearly.

  2. Spanish: No tengas miedo de echar voz cuando sea necesario. English: Don't be afraid to speak up when it is necessary.

Idiomatic Expressions:

"Echar voz" can also be part of some idiomatic expressions in Spanish: 1. Spanish: Echarle voz a algo. English: To raise one's voice about something.

  1. Spanish: Meter la voz donde no le llaman. English: To butt in when one is not invited to.

  2. Spanish: Sin echar voz. English: Without a sound.

  3. Spanish: Echar por la voz. English: To start talking about someone.


