echar en falta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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echar en falta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "echar en falta" is a verbal expression in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/ˈe.tʃaɾ en ˈfal.ta/

Translation Options into English

  1. To miss (someone or something)
  2. To feel the absence of

Meaning and Usage

"Echar en falta" is an idiomatic expression in Spanish used to convey the feeling of missing someone or something when they are absent. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, though it may be more common in conversational speech. The phrase reflects a sense of longing or desire for the presence or influence of a person, object, or situation that is no longer available.

Example Sentences

  1. "Desde que se mudó, lo echo en falta."
  2. "Since he moved away, I miss him."

  3. "Cuando viajamos, siempre echo en falta la comida de casa."

  4. "When we travel, I always miss home-cooked food."

  5. "No sé por qué echo en falta su sonrisa."

  6. "I don't know why I miss her smile."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Echar en falta" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish that relate to feelings of longing or absence. Here are some examples:

  1. "Siempre echo en falta a mi abuela en las reuniones familiares."
  2. "I always miss my grandmother at family gatherings."

  3. "Echo en falta el tiempo que pasé en mi infancia."

  4. "I miss the time I spent in my childhood."

  5. "Después de la boda, echo en falta el ambiente de la fiesta."

  6. "After the wedding, I miss the atmosphere of the party."

  7. "Ella siempre echa en falta los días soleados durante el invierno."

  8. "She always misses the sunny days during winter."

  9. "Echo en falta los momentos que pasamos juntos."

  10. "I miss the moments we spent together."


The expression "echar en falta" literally translates to "to throw in lack," where "echar" means "to throw" and "falta" means "lack" or "absence." This phrase combines the concept of contributing to or noting the absence of something or someone.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Extrañar (to miss) - Sentir la falta de (to feel the loss of) - Lamentar la ausencia de (to regret the absence of)

Antonyms: - Tener (to have) - Disfrutar (to enjoy) - Estar presente (to be present)

This thorough overview of the phrase "echar en falta" highlights its importance and common usage in the Spanish language, along with its emotional nuance reflecting feelings of loss and longing.
