/ˈet͡ʃaɾ ˈuna ˈmano/
The phrase "echar una mano" is an idiomatic expression in Spanish that translates to "to lend a hand" or "to help out." It is commonly used in both spoken and written contexts, indicating a request for assistance or offering help to someone in need. It is frequently used in informal situations among friends, family, or colleagues, making it a popular choice in daily conversations.
I'm going to lend a hand to my brother with his move.
¿Puedes echarme una mano con este proyecto?
"Echar una mano" is uncommonly found in a variety of idiomatic expressions. Here are a few:
I am always willing to lend a hand.
Cuando necesitas ayuda, puedes contar con tus amigos para echar una mano.
When you need help, you can count on your friends to lend a hand.
En esta comunidad, todos echamos una mano cuando alguien lo necesita.
In this community, we all lend a hand when someone needs it.
Ella nunca duda en echar una mano a los más necesitados.
She never hesitates to lend a hand to those in need.
Los vecinos se reunieron para echar una mano con las reparaciones del centro comunitario.
The phrase "echar una mano" literally translates to "to throw a hand," deriving from the verb "echar," meaning "to throw" or "to put," combined with "mano," meaning "hand." This figurative expression conveys the act of offering one's hand as a gesture of assistance.
In summary, "echar una mano" is a versatile and widely-used phrase in Spanish, particularly in informal settings, denoting a willingness to assist or help others. Its frequent appearance in idiomatic expressions illustrates its significance in Spanish-speaking cultures.