efectividad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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efectividad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Efectividad is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Efectividad refers to the degree to which something is effective in producing a desired result. It's often used in contexts such as general discussions on performance, economics, law, and military strategies.

In Spanish, efectividad is commonly used in both written and oral contexts, although it may appear more frequently in written texts, especially in formal settings like reports, studies, or legal documents. It conveys a sense of measurement regarding outcomes and success in achieving objectives.

Example Sentences

  1. La efectividad del nuevo tratamiento ha sido comprobada en varios estudios.
    The effectiveness of the new treatment has been proven in several studies.

  2. Queremos medir la efectividad de nuestra estrategia de marketing.
    We want to measure the effectiveness of our marketing strategy.

  3. La efectividad de las leyes depende de su correcta aplicación.
    The effectiveness of laws depends on their proper application.

Idiomatic Expressions

Efectividad is not commonly used in traditional idiomatic expressions. However, it can be paired with various phrases related to efficiency or success in achieving outcomes. Below are examples that may relate indirectly to the concept:

  1. "Aumentar la efectividad del equipo es esencial para el éxito del proyecto."
    Increasing the effectiveness of the team is essential for the project's success.

  2. "La efectividad en la gestión del tiempo mejora la productividad."
    Effectiveness in time management improves productivity.

  3. "Sin efectividad en las acciones, los planes quedan en papel."
    Without effectiveness in actions, plans remain on paper.

  4. "La planificación adecuada es clave para la efectividad de cualquier estrategia."
    Proper planning is key to the effectiveness of any strategy.


The word efectividad comes from the Latin effectivus, which means "effectual" or "producing an effect." It is derived from efficientem, the present participle of efficere, meaning "to bring about" or "to accomplish."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Eficacia (efficacy) - Productividad (productivity) - Rendimiento (performance)

Antonyms: - Inefectividad (ineffectiveness) - Ineficacia (inefficacy) - Fracaso (failure)

This comprehensive overview gives insight into the term efectividad and its usage across various contexts.
