efectos - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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efectos (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"efectos" is a noun in Spanish. It is the plural form of "efecto."

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "efectos" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is:

Translation Options into English

The word "efectos" can be translated into English primarily as: - Effects - Outcomes - Results

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "efectos" refers to the results or consequences of an action, event, or condition. It is commonly used in various contexts, including scientific, legal, and everyday conversations. Its usage can be both in oral and written contexts, but it tends to appear more frequently in literary and academic writing because of its abstract nature.

Frequency of Use

"efectos" is a commonly used term in Spanish, particularly in discussions related to cause-and-effect relationships, personal consequences, or the implications of certain actions.

Example Sentences

  1. Los efectos del cambio climático son preocupantes.
    (The effects of climate change are concerning.)

  2. Los efectos de este medicamento pueden variar de una persona a otra.
    (The effects of this medication can vary from one person to another.)

  3. Estudiaremos los efectos de la nueva política en la economía.
    (We will study the effects of the new policy on the economy.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"efectos" is often found in idiomatic expressions, which enrich its usage in the Spanish language:

  1. A efectos de
    This phrase is used to indicate for the sake of, or in regard to something.
    Ejemplo: A efectos de la ley, todos deben ser considerados iguales.
    (For the purposes of the law, everyone must be considered equal.)

  2. Causar efectos
    This expression means to have an impact or to have consequences.
    Ejemplo: Las decisiones del líder causan efectos en todo el equipo.
    (The leader's decisions cause effects throughout the team.)

  3. No tiene efectos secundarios
    This phrase is often used in medical contexts, meaning something does not have side effects.
    Ejemplo: Este tratamiento no tiene efectos secundarios, lo que es favorable.
    (This treatment has no side effects, which is favorable.)

  4. Con efecto inmediato
    This expression indicates something that takes effect immediately.
    Ejemplo: El cambio en las reglas será con efecto inmediato.
    (The change in the rules will take effect immediately.)

  5. A efectos prácticos
    This phrase refers to practical effects or implications.
    Ejemplo: A efectos prácticos, la reunión no cambió nada.
    (In practical terms, the meeting changed nothing.)


The word "efecto" comes from the Latin "effectus," which is derived from "efficere," meaning to bring about or accomplish. This roots into notions of cause and effect, making the term fundamentally tied to outcomes resulting from actions.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "efectos" is a versatile term in Spanish with significant relevance across various contexts, particularly where causation and results are involved. Its idiomatic utilizations reinforce its importance in everyday and formal communication.
