efectuar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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efectuar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Efectuar" is a transitive verb used primarily in formal contexts, often relating to the execution of an action, completion of a task, or implementation of a decision. It commonly appears in legal, administrative, and financial documents, indicating that certain actions have been officially undertaken. The word is frequently used in written language, particularly in formal reports, contracts, and legislation, but it can also be found in spoken language in formal settings.

Frequency of Use

Example Sentences

  1. "El banco procederá a efectuar la transferencia mañana."
  2. "The bank will proceed to carry out the transfer tomorrow."

  3. "Es necesario efectuar un análisis detallado del proyecto."

  4. "It is necessary to carry out a detailed analysis of the project."

  5. "La policía debe efectuar una investigación exhaustiva del caso."

  6. "The police must carry out a thorough investigation of the case."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "efectuar" is not as prevalent in colloquial idiomatic expressions, its usage can still resonate within a few set phrases that convey the sense of action.

  1. "Efectuar cambios"
  2. Example Sentence: "La empresa ha decidido efectuar cambios en su estructura organizativa."
  3. "The company has decided to implement changes in its organizational structure."

  4. "Efectuar pagos"

  5. Example Sentence: "Es importante efectuar pagos puntuales para evitar recargos."
  6. "It is important to make timely payments to avoid penalties."

  7. "Efectuar una llamada"

  8. Example Sentence: "Voy a efectuar una llamada para confirmar la cita."
  9. "I am going to make a call to confirm the appointment."

  10. "Efectuar un seguimiento"

  11. Example Sentence: "Es necesario efectuar un seguimiento del progreso del proyecto."
  12. "It is necessary to carry out a follow-up on the project's progress."

  13. "Efectuar una prueba"

  14. Example Sentence: "El médico decidió efectuar una prueba para determinar la causa de los síntomas."
  15. "The doctor decided to conduct a test to determine the cause of the symptoms."


The word "efectuar" derives from the Latin "efficere," which means "to accomplish" or "to bring about." The prefix "e-" indicates a direction outward or into action, while "facere" means to do or make, contributing to its meaning of bringing something into effect.

Synonyms and Antonyms


