egoísta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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egoísta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Noun

Phonetic transcription: /eˈɡoista/

Meanings and usage patterns: The word "egoísta" in Spanish means "selfish" or "self-centered". It is used to describe someone who thinks only about themselves and their own interests, often at the expense of others. This word is commonly used in both written and oral Spanish, reflecting a negative connotation.

Verb forms: N/A

Example phrases: 1. Eres muy egoísta con tus juguetes. (You are very selfish with your toys.) 2. No seas tan egoísta, debes pensar en los demás también. (Don't be so selfish, you should also think about others.)

Idiomatic expressions: "Egoísta" is frequently used in Spanish idiomatic expressions. Some examples include:

  1. "Estar en su mundo egoísta" - To be in one's selfish world (to only care about oneself).
  2. "Hacer algo a costa de los demás" - To do something at the expense of others (to act selfishly).
  3. "Pensar solo en uno mismo" - To only think about oneself (to be selfish).
  4. "Mirar por el bien propio" - To look out for one's own good (to act selfishly).
  5. "Ser un egoísta redomado" - To be a die-hard selfish person (to be extremely selfish).

Etymology: The word "egoísta" comes from the Latin "egoista", derived from "ego" which means "I" or "myself".

Synonyms: - Individualista (Individualist) - Interesado/a (Self-centered) - Egotista (Egotistical)

Antonyms: - Altruista (Altruistic) - Generoso/a (Generous) - Desprendido/a (Selfless)