ejecutoria - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ejecutoria (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word ejecutoria is a feminine noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/ e.xe.kuˈto.ɾja /

Translation Options into English

  1. Executory
  2. Judgement
  3. Ruling

Meaning and Usage

The term ejecutoria has legal significance, referring primarily to a ruling or a judgment that is final and enforceable. It pertains to decisions made by a judicial authority that concludes a matter and can be executed according to law. In general usage, it conveys the idea of execution in a bureaucratic or legal context.

Frequency of Use: The word is most commonly encountered in legal texts, documents, and professional discourse, making it primarily a written term, although it is also understood in oral discussions concerning legal matters.

Example Sentences

  1. La ejecutoria del tribunal fue aclamada por la justicia.
  2. The ruling of the court was hailed for justice.

  3. Es necesario cumplir con la ejecutoria antes de cualquier apelación.

  4. It is necessary to comply with the judgment before any appeal.

  5. La ejecutoria estableció un precedente importante en el ámbito del derecho familiar.

  6. The ruling established an important precedent in the field of family law.

Idiomatic Expressions

While ejecutoria is not specifically an element of many idiomatic expressions, it is crucial in legal language and contexts where decisions or rulings are discussed. Here are a few sentences where the concept of ejecutoria plays a central role:

  1. La ejecutoria del caso marcó un hito en el proceso judicial.
  2. The ruling of the case marked a milestone in the judicial process.

  3. A veces la ejecutoria es más efectiva que la palabra.

  4. Sometimes, the ruling is more effective than words.

  5. Un abogado debe estar preparado para analizar cada ejecutoria relevante.

  6. A lawyer must be prepared to analyze every relevant judgment.

  7. La ejecutoria final puede ser apelada solo bajo ciertas condiciones.

  8. The final ruling can only be appealed under certain conditions.

  9. La claridad en la ejecutoria es fundamental para evitar confusiones.

  10. Clarity in the judgment is fundamental to avoid confusion.


The word ejecutoria originates from the Latin term "executoria," which pertains to execution or carrying out a task. It is derived from "executus," the past participle of "exsequi" meaning to carry out or perform, and it reflects the legal notion of executing a judicial decision or ruling.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Fallo (verdict) - Sentencia (sentence) - Decisión (decision)

Antonyms: - Incertidumbre (uncertainty) - Ambigüedad (ambiguity)

In summary, ejecutoria is a crucial term in legal contexts that conveys finality and enforceability in judicial rulings. It is important for professionals in law to understand its usage and implications.
