ejercicio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ejercicio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "ejercicio" refers to an activity or task carried out to develop, improve, or maintain physical fitness, skills, or knowledge. It can be used in various contexts, such as physical exercise, academic practice, or legal and economic activities. The term is widely recognized and utilized in both oral and written contexts, with a slightly higher frequency in written language, especially in formal or academic discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Realizar un ejercicio diario es fundamental para mantener la salud.
  2. Doing a daily exercise is essential for maintaining health.

  3. El profesor asignó un ejercicio de matemáticas para que los alumnos practiquen.

  4. The teacher assigned a math exercise for the students to practice.

  5. Muchos consideran que un buen ejercicio mental ayuda a prevenir la pérdida de memoria.

  6. Many believe that a good mental exercise helps to prevent memory loss.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "ejercicio" is used in several idiomatic expressions, particularly related to practice and activity in various fields. Below are some common expressions:

  1. Hacer ejercicio – to do exercise
  2. Es importante hacer ejercicio para mantener un cuerpo saludable.

    • It is important to do exercise to maintain a healthy body.
  3. Ejercicio de memoria – memory exercise

  4. Completar un rompecabezas es un buen ejercicio de memoria.

    • Completing a puzzle is a good memory exercise.
  5. Ejercicio físico – physical exercise

  6. El ejercicio físico regular puede mejorar la salud mental.

    • Regular physical exercise can improve mental health.
  7. Ejercicio práctico – practical exercise

  8. El curso incluye un ejercicio práctico para aplicar lo aprendido.

    • The course includes a practical exercise to apply what was learned.
  9. Ejercicio de reflexión – reflection exercise

  10. Hacer un ejercicio de reflexión te ayuda a entender tus emociones.
    • Doing a reflection exercise helps you understand your emotions.


The word "ejercicio" comes from the latinate "exercitium," which is derived from the verb "exercere," meaning "to keep busy or to engage in activity." Over time, it evolved in Spanish to refer to a broader range of practices and activities, both physical and intellectual.

Synonyms and Antonyms


