elecciones - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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elecciones (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Elecciones" is a noun in plural form.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "elecciones" refers to the process of selecting individuals for a position, typically in the context of government or organizational roles. They can also indicate a choice made by voters in a democratic system, such as elections for president, parliamentary positions, or local offices. The word is frequent in both written and oral contexts, especially during political campaigns or discussions regarding governance.

Example Sentences

  1. Las elecciones generales se celebrarán el próximo mes.
  2. (The general elections will be held next month.)

  3. Los ciudadanos tienen el derecho de participar en las elecciones.

  4. (Citizens have the right to participate in the elections.)

  5. Los resultados de las elecciones determinarán el futuro del país.

  6. (The results of the elections will determine the future of the country.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "elecciones" does not form part of many established idiomatic expressions in Spanish, it is commonly associated with several phrases related to voting and decision-making. Here are a few expressions:

  1. Hacer elecciones difíciles
  2. (To make difficult choices)
    Example: A veces debemos hacer elecciones difíciles en la vida.
  3. (Sometimes we must make difficult choices in life.)

  4. Elecciones de vida

  5. (Life choices)
    Example: Las elecciones de vida que tomamos nos definen como personas.
  6. (The life choices we make define us as individuals.)

  7. Elecciones justas y libres

  8. (Fair and free elections)
    Example: Es fundamental garantizar elecciones justas y libres en una democracia.
  9. (It is essential to guarantee fair and free elections in a democracy.)

  10. Decidir en las elecciones

  11. (To decide in the elections)
    Example: Cada voto cuenta cuando decidimos en las elecciones.
  12. (Every vote counts when we decide in the elections.)


The term "elecciones" comes from the Latin word "electio," which means "a choosing or selection." This reflects its core meaning of selecting or choosing a representative in various contexts, especially regarding governance.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Votaciones (Voting) - Referendos (Referendums) - Selecciones (Selections)

Antonyms: - Nombramientos (Appointments) - Imposición (Imposition)

This comprehensive overview provides insights into the word "elecciones" and its relevance in various contexts, especially within the domain of law and governance.
