The word "elegido" is a past participle used as an adjective and can also function as a noun.
In Spanish, "elegido" refers to someone or something that has been chosen or selected from a group of options. It can be used in various contexts, including formal or informal, and is applicable in both written and oral speech. The frequency of use is moderate; it is common in discussions about elections or selections in various contexts. Though used in both forms of communication, it may appear more frequently in written contexts, especially in formal settings.
The chosen candidate won the elections by a large majority.
Soy el elegido para representar a mi equipo en el concurso.
The word "elegido" can appear in various idiomatic expressions, particularly relating to selections, choices, or decision-making.
Carlos has always been the chosen one among all his classmates.
El niño elegido de la familia.
Since he was little, he was always considered the chosen child of the family.
No hay un elegido sin sacrificio.
The word "elegido" originates from the Latin elegitus, which is the past participle of elegere, meaning "to choose" or "to elect." The root of this word can be traced back to the Proto-Indo-European leg-, which also means "to gather" or "to choose."
Synonyms: - Seleccionado (selected) - Escogido (picked)
Antonyms: - Rechazado (rejected) - Descartado (discarded)