ello - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ello (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Ello" is a pronoun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "ello" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ˈe.ʝo/.

Translation Options into English

"Ello" translates to "it" or "that" in English, depending on the context.

Meaning and Usage

"Ello" is often used to refer to a concept, idea, or situation previously mentioned or understood in the conversation. It can also refer to a non-human entity. The frequency of use is relatively moderate in both oral and written contexts, although it may be more common in literary or philosophical texts than in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. Ello es lo que siempre he deseado.
  2. It is what I have always wanted.

  3. No entiendo por qué ello sucedió.

  4. I do not understand why that happened.

  5. Cuando hablamos de felicidad, ello es fundamental.

  6. When we talk about happiness, that is fundamental.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Ello" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. However, it can appear in more formal or philosophical contexts. Below are a few constructed sentences demonstrating its use in a more delicate context:

  1. Dejemos que ello se resuelva solo.
  2. Let it resolve itself.

  3. Ello es una parte integral de la solución.

  4. It is an integral part of the solution.

  5. Si ello no tiene sentido, debemos revisarlo.

  6. If that makes no sense, we need to review it.


The word "ello" originates from the Latin "illius," which is a genitive form of "ille, illa, illud," meaning "that." Over time, it evolved in the Spanish language to serve as a pronoun for referring to things that are distant in context, much like its Latin precursor.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Eso (that) - Lo (it, that)

Antonyms: - Esto (this) - Aquello (that, over there)

In summary, "ello" is a versatile pronoun in Spanish, mainly serving as a referent in various contexts, especially in more formal or philosophical discussions.
