embarco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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embarco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Embarco (noun)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Embarco refers to the act of loading goods onto a vehicle (especially a ship) for transportation. In a military context, it can indicate the deployment of troops or equipment onto a vessel. The term is used relatively frequently in both spoken and written Spanish, especially in contexts related to trade, logistics, and military operations. It is often found in discussions regarding shipping schedules, military movements, and transportation logistics.

Example Sentences

  1. El embarco de los suministros se llevará a cabo mañana por la mañana.
    The embarkation of the supplies will take place tomorrow morning.

  2. Después del embarco, el barco zarpó hacia su destino.
    After the loading, the ship set sail towards its destination.

  3. El comandante supervisó el embarco de las tropas en el transporte naval.
    The commander oversaw the embarkation of the troops onto the naval transport.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "embarco" does not appear as commonly in idiomatic expressions, it does feature in phrases related to embarking or initiating actions. Here are some relevant examples:

  1. Embarcarse en una nueva aventura:
    To embark on a new adventure.
    (My friend decided to embark on a new adventure by moving to another country.)

  2. La decisión de embarcar sucesos inciertos:
    The decision to embark on uncertain events.
    (The company decided to embark on uncertain events in the market.)

  3. Embarcarse en un proyecto:
    To embark on a project.
    (We are going to embark on a project that aims to improve local education.)

  4. Estar embarcado en una misión:
    To be embarked on a mission.
    (The troops are embarked on a mission to secure the area.)


The word "embarco" is derived from the Spanish verb "embarcar," which comes from the Latin "imbārcāre," meaning "to put on board, to load onto a ship." The prefix "em-" signifies "put into," and "barco" means "boat" or "ship."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Carga (load) - Traslado (transfer) - Embarcación (embarkation; though often refers to the vessel itself)

Antonyms: - Desembarco (disembarkation) - Descarga (unloading) - Desplazamiento (displacement; when referring to leaving a vehicle)
