empaparse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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empaparse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

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Meaning and Usage

"Empaparse" is a reflexive verb in Spanish that means to become soaked or to absorb a liquid, often used in both a literal sense (like getting wet in the rain) and a figurative sense (like absorbing information or experiences). It is frequently used in colloquial speech and can appear in written contexts as well, but is more common in conversations.

Frequency of Use

The verb is used with moderate frequency in everyday conversations. It may be more prevalent in informal exchanges when discussing experiences or describing something wet or soaked.

Example Sentences

  1. Me empapé cuando salió a la lluvia sin paraguas.
  2. I got soaked when I went out in the rain without an umbrella.

  3. Ella se empapa de conocimiento al leer tantos libros.

  4. She soaks up knowledge by reading so many books.

  5. Los niños se empaparon al jugar en la piscina.

  6. The children got soaked while playing in the pool.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Empaparse" is often used in idiomatic expressions, particularly those involving learning or experiencing something deeply.

  1. Empaparse de cultura.
  2. To soak up culture.
  3. Durante su viaje a España, se empapó de cultura local.

    • During his trip to Spain, he soaked up the local culture.
  4. Empaparse de la experiencia.

  5. To absorb the experience.
  6. Los estudiantes se empaparon de la experiencia durante su pasantía.

    • The students absorbed the experience during their internship.
  7. Empaparse en la lectura.

  8. To immerse oneself in reading.
  9. A ella le encanta empaparse en la lectura de novelas antiguas.

    • She loves to immerse herself in the reading of old novels.
  10. Empaparse de información.

  11. To soak up information.
  12. Es importante empaparse de información antes de tomar una decisión.
    • It's important to soak up information before making a decision.


The term "empaparse" derives from the Latin "impāpare," where "in-" indicates a movement towards something and "pāpus" (from "papa") means wet or soaked. The reflexive form indicates that the subject is affecting themselves with the action.


