empapelar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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empapelar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "empapelar" primarily means "to apply wallpaper" to a wall. It can also refer to covering something with paper, whether for decoration, protection, or some other purpose. In colloquial usage, "empapelar" can sometimes denote the act of wrapping items in paper or even putting someone in prison, in a metaphorical sense.

This word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to home improvement, decoration, or crafting. It tends to be more prevalent in written form in technical or instructional content regarding interior design but is widely understood and used in casual conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. Decidí empapelar la habitación con un diseño floral.
    "I decided to wallpaper the room with a floral design."

  2. Para la fiesta, vamos a empapelar las mesas con papel de colores.
    "For the party, we are going to cover the tables with colored paper."

  3. El ladrón fue empapelado por la policía después de varios robos.
    "The thief was put away by the police after several robberies."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "empapelar" is not abundant in idiomatic expressions, it does have some colloquial uses and associated phrases that bring out its metaphoric meaning.

  1. Empapelar a alguien: This idiomatic expression refers to putting someone in jail or getting them arrested.
  2. Ejemplo: El político corrupto fue empapelado por la fiscalía.
    "The corrupt politician was arrested by the prosecutors."

  3. Empapelar un lugar: This phrase means to cover or fill a place with something, often in a creative or overwhelming way.

  4. Ejemplo: Durante el cumpleaños, empapelamos la casa con globos y serpentinas.
    "During the birthday party, we filled the house with balloons and streamers."

  5. Empapelar una habitación: Refers to a more literal action of applying wallpaper to a room, but can also imply the idea of thorough transformation.

  6. Ejemplo: Empapelamos la habitación para darle un nuevo aire.
    "We wallpapered the room to give it a new vibe."


The word "empapelar" comes from the combination of the prefix "em-" indicating "to put into" or "to make," and "papel," which means "paper" in Spanish. This reflects the action of covering or wrapping something with paper.

Synonyms and Antonyms


