empaquetadura - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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empaquetadura (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Empaquetadura" is a feminine noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Packing
  2. Packing material
  3. Packing (seal)

Meaning of the Word

"Empaquetadura" refers to materials or methods used to pack items for protection during storage or transport. It can also refer to materials that seal or insulate parts in machinery or plumbing, preventing leaks or providing cushioning. The term is moderately frequent in both oral and written contexts, primarily used in technical discussions or industries related to logistics, mechanical engineering, or construction.

Example Sentences

  1. La empaquetadura del motor estaba dañada y necesitaba ser reemplazada.
  2. The packing of the engine was damaged and needed to be replaced.

  3. Es esencial utilizar una buena empaquetadura para evitar fugas en las tuberías.

  4. It is essential to use good packing to prevent leaks in the pipes.

  5. La empaquetadura de los productos garantiza su seguridad durante el envío.

  6. The packing of the products ensures their safety during shipping.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "empaquetadura" itself may not figure prominently in idiomatic expressions, it can appear in phrases that involve packing or sealing in a metaphorical sense. Here are some expressions and contexts:

  1. "Con toda la empaquetadura"
  2. Se llegó con toda la empaquetadura a la reunión, presentando todos los documentos necesarios.
  3. He arrived with all the packing at the meeting, presenting all the necessary documents.

  4. "Empaquetar los problemas"

  5. Es mejor empaquetar los problemas y analizarlos uno a uno.
  6. It's better to pack the problems and analyze them one by one.

  7. "No hay empaquetadura que aguante"

  8. En situaciones difíciles, a veces no hay empaquetadura que aguante la presión.
  9. In difficult situations, sometimes there's no packing that can withstand the pressure.


The word “empaquetadura” derives from the verb "empaquetar," which means "to pack." The root "paquete" means "package," ultimately coming from the Latin "pēcētus," which is related to "peciare," meaning "to divide or portion."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Embalaje - Empaque - Aislante (in the sense of sealing or insulating material)

Antonyms: - Desempaquetado (unpacking) - Vacío (emptiness, in a context where packing implies filling a void)

This structure gives a comprehensive view of the word "empaquetadura" and its implications in various contexts.
