empaquetar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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empaquetar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (verb)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Empaquetar" means to put something into a package or container, typically for transport, storage, or sale. It is frequently used in both spoken and written contexts, particularly in commerce, logistics, and everyday situations concerning moving or storing goods. The word is utilized fairly often, especially in contexts involving shipping, moving homes, or retail.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesitamos empaquetar todos los libros antes de mudarnos.
  2. We need to pack all the books before moving.

  3. El trabajo de la empresa es empaquetar productos para su distribución.

  4. The company's job is to package products for distribution.

  5. Ella se ofreció a empaquetar los regalos para la fiesta.

  6. She offered to pack the gifts for the party.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "empaquetar" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it can be associated with various contexts that imply preparation or consolidation. Here are a few related idiomatic phrases:

  1. Empaquetar las ideas:
  2. Significado: Organizar y presentar conceptos de manera clara.
  3. Ejemplo: "Es fundamental empaquetar las ideas antes de presentar el proyecto a los inversionistas."
  4. Translation: "It is essential to package the ideas before presenting the project to the investors."

  5. Empaquetar el tiempo:

  6. Significado: Organizar el tiempo de manera eficiente.
  7. Ejemplo: "Debes aprender a empaquetar el tiempo para hacer todas tus tareas."
  8. Translation: "You must learn to package your time to complete all your tasks."

  9. No empaquetar excusas:

  10. Significado: No dar razones o justificaciones para evitar responsabilidades.
  11. Ejemplo: "En el trabajo, no empaquetar excusas es importante para ganar la confianza del equipo."
  12. Translation: "At work, not packing excuses is important to gain the team's trust."


The word "empaquetar" derives from the Spanish "paquete," which means "package" or "package deal." The prefix "em-" indicates a transformation or a state of being, while "paquetar" links directly to the act of putting into a package. This etymological root emphasizes the action of packaging.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Sinónimos (Synonyms): - Envolver (to wrap) - Embalar (to pack, to crate) - Agrupar (to group)

Antónimos (Antonyms): - Desempaquetar (to unpack) - Deshacer (to undo, to unmake)
