empaste - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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empaste (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Empaste is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term empaste refers primarily to a filling, particularly in the context of dentistry, where it refers to a substance used to fill cavities in teeth. It can also refer to a paste in other technical contexts, such as in painting or construction.

In everyday usage, empaste is commonly used in medical contexts, especially in dentistry, but can also be found in technical discussions related to arts and crafts, where "paste" or "mixture" refers to a thick substance used for binding or covering.

Frequency of Use: The word is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, typically in medical/dental conversations or in discussions about materials.

Example Sentences

  1. El dentista me recomendó hacer un empaste en la muela que está picada.
  2. The dentist recommended I get a filling in the tooth that has a cavity.

  3. Para el mural, usamos un empaste especial que resiste la humedad.

  4. For the mural, we used a special paste that resists humidity.

Idiomatic Expressions

While empaste itself is not frequently used in idiomatic expressions, its context can lead to phrases concerning dental health or material usage. Below are some idiomatic expressions and their meanings related to empaste:

  1. Estar con un empaste - referring to someone who is currently undergoing dental work.
  2. “Juan no puede masticar bien; está con un empaste nuevo.”
  3. "Juan can’t chew well; he has a new filling."

  4. Hacer un empaste rápido - to make a quick fix or temporary solution.

  5. “Necesitamos hacer un empaste rápido en el proyecto antes de la entrega.”
  6. "We need to make a quick fix on the project before the deadline."

  7. Más firme que un empaste - something that is well-established or strong.

  8. “Su compromiso con el equipo es más firme que un empaste.”
  9. "His commitment to the team is stronger than a filling."


The word empaste comes from the Spanish verb empastar, which means "to paste" or "to fill." This verb is derived from the Latin word impastare, where in- (meaning "in") is combined with pastare, meaning "to spread" or "to paste."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Relleno (filling) - Pasta (paste) - Compuesto (compound)

Antonyms: - Vacío (empty space) - Desocupado (unfilled)
