emplear la estadística - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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emplear la estadística (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verb phrase

Phonetic transcription

/empleˈaɾ la estaˈðistiˈka/

Translation options into English


The expression "emplear la estadística" means to use statistics in the context of economics. It is a common phrase used to refer to the act of employing statistical data or methods to analyze economic trends, make forecasts, or support decision-making processes. This expression is predominantly used in written contexts, such as reports, articles, or academic papers.


  1. Spanish: En este estudio, se decidió emplear la estadística para analizar la evolución del mercado. English: In this study, it was decided to use statistics to analyze market trends.

  2. Spanish: Los economistas suelen emplear la estadística para predecir la inflación. English: Economists often use statistics to predict inflation.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, the word "estadística" is commonly used in several idiomatic expressions. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Jugar con estadísticas"
  2. Meaning: To manipulate data or statistics to fit a specific narrative.
  3. Example: No te fíes de los políticos, siempre juegan con las estadísticas. Translation: Don't trust politicians, they always manipulate statistics.

  4. "Estar por encima de la estadística"

  5. Meaning: To have superior or outstanding performance compared to statistical averages.
  6. Example: Este atleta está por encima de la estadística en su disciplina. Translation: This athlete is above statistical averages in his discipline.

  7. "Salir de estadística"

  8. Meaning: When something is very likely to happen based on statistical probability.
  9. Example: Con el nivel de desempleo actual, es difícil que salga de estadística encontrar trabajo. Translation: With the current unemployment rate, it's unlikely to find a job.


The word "estadística" comes from the Italian word "statistica," which originated from the Latin word "status," meaning "state" or "condition."

Synonyms and Antonyms