en alto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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en alto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "en alto" functions as an adverbial expression in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/en ˈalto/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"En alto" is used in Spanish to indicate a position that is elevated or raised, often referring to something being higher than its usual or surrounding level. The expression is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, such as in descriptions of physical locations, emotions, or states of being. It is a common phrase in everyday conversations but can also appear in literary texts.

Example Sentences

  1. Los pájaros vuelan en alto sobre las montañas.
  2. The birds fly high above the mountains.

  3. El trofeo fue colocado en alto en la estantería.

  4. The trophy was placed high up on the shelf.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "en alto" can also be part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish, indicating an elevated status, visibility, or importance. Here are some examples:

  1. Tener la cabeza en alto.
  2. To hold one's head high.
  3. Es importante que siempre tengas la cabeza en alto, sin importar las circunstancias.
  4. It is important to always hold your head high, regardless of the circumstances.

  5. Mirar en alto.

  6. To look up (in terms of hope or ambition).
  7. Debemos aprender a mirar en alto y aspirar a algo mejor.
  8. We must learn to look up and aspire to something better.

  9. Un grito en alto.

  10. A shout or cry out loud.
  11. El pueblo dio un grito en alto por sus derechos.
  12. The people gave a shout out loud for their rights.

  13. Estar en alto riesgo.

  14. To be at high risk.
  15. La obesidad coloca a las personas en alto riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas.
  16. Obesity places individuals at high risk for heart diseases.

  17. Subir en alto.

  18. To climb up, to rise high.
  19. Es forzoso subir en alto si queremos tener éxito.
  20. It is necessary to climb up if we want to be successful.


The phrase "en alto" comes from the Latin word "altus," which means "high" or "tall." The word "alto" relates to elevations and heights, suggesting an upwards direction or status.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Elevado (elevated) - Alto (high) - Superior (upper)

Antonyms: - Bajo (low) - Inferior (lower) - Ground level (nivel del suelo)

This comprehensive overview presents "en alto" as a versatile phrase deeply embedded in both the literal and metaphorical aspects of the Spanish language.
