en cueros - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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en cueros (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "en cueros" is an idiomatic expression in Spanish. It functions as an adverbial phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/en ˈkweɾos/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"En cueros" is used to refer to someone being completely naked or nude. It is an informal expression that conveys the idea of being without clothing. This phrase tends to be used more in oral speech than in formal written contexts. It is common in colloquial settings and can be found in conversations, jokes, or casual references.

Example Sentences

  1. Después de la fiesta, todos se quedaron en cueros.
  2. After the party, everyone ended up in the nude.

  3. ¿Por qué te bañas en cueros en la piscina?

  4. Why do you bathe in the buff in the pool?

  5. En cueros, me siento mucho más libre.

  6. Naked, I feel much freer.

Idiomatic Expressions Involving "en cueros"

The phrase "en cueros" is often used to depict a state of vulnerability or exposure, both physically and metaphorically. Here are some idiomatic expressions or note-worthy phrases that involve "en cueros":

  1. Te vas a quedar en cueros si sigues gastando tanto.
  2. You’re going to end up broke if you keep spending so much.

  3. Esa noticia me dejó en cueros.

  4. That news left me feeling exposed/vulnerable.

  5. No estoy listo para estar en cueros ante un desconocido.

  6. I am not ready to be vulnerable in front of a stranger.

  7. Cuando escuché el chisme, me sentí en cueros.

  8. When I heard the gossip, I felt so exposed.

  9. Al contarle mi secreto, me sentí en cueros.

  10. By telling her my secret, I felt completely vulnerable.


The term "cueros" comes from the Latin word "corium," which refers to skin or hide. Over time, it evolved in colloquial use to reference the human body in its bare state, ultimately forming the expression "en cueros."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Desnudo (naked) - Sin ropa (without clothes)

Antonyms: - Vestido (dressed) - Cubierto (covered)

This phrase vividly highlights human vulnerability and is often used within a variety of social contexts to express both humor and openness.
