en grande - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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en grande (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "en grande" is primarily used as an adverbial phrase in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/en ˈɡɾande/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"En grande" is an idiomatic expression in Spanish that means to do something in a big or impressive way. It conveys the idea of something being executed with grandeur or large-scale effort. This phrase is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, but it tends to appear more frequently in informal speech, particularly in conversations regarding events, projects, or significant changes.

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a celebrar mi cumpleaños en grande este año.
    I am going to celebrate my birthday in a big way this year.

  2. El evento se planeó en grande para atraer a más visitantes.
    The event was planned on a large scale to attract more visitors.

  3. Hicieron la boda en grande, con muchos invitados y decoraciones elaboradas.
    They had the wedding in a grand manner, with many guests and elaborate decorations.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "en grande" is commonly found in several idiomatic expressions, conveying an exaggerated or significant manner of action.

  1. Hacer las cosas en grande
    To do things in a big way
    Siempre le ha gustado hacer las cosas en grande, desde sus fiestas hasta sus proyectos.
    He has always liked to do things in a big way, from his parties to his projects.

  2. Vivir en grande
    To live large
    Después de conseguir un buen empleo, decidió vivir en grande y disfrutar de la vida.
    After landing a good job, he decided to live large and enjoy life.

  3. Pintar en grande
    To paint big
    Los artistas del mural decidieron pintar en grande para que llamara más la atención.
    The mural artists decided to paint big so that it would attract more attention.

  4. Soñar en grande
    To dream big
    Es importante soñar en grande si queremos lograr cosas extraordinarias.
    It’s important to dream big if we want to achieve extraordinary things.


The phrase "en grande" derives directly from the Spanish word "grande," which means "big" or "large." The preposition "en" translates to "in" or "on," creating a combination that emphasizes the scale or impressiveness of the action being discussed.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - A gran escala (on a large scale) - En gran medida (to a great extent) - Con grandeza (with grandeur)

Antonyms: - En pequeño (in small size) - A pequeña escala (on a small scale) - Con modestia (with modesty)
