en seco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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en seco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "en seco" functions adverbially in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/ɛn ˈse.ko/

Translation Options into English

  1. dry
  2. abruptly
  3. suddenly

Meaning and Usage

"En seco" typically means "dry" in a literal sense, referring to something lacking moisture. However, it is also used idiomatically to describe something occurring suddenly, abruptly, or unexpectedly. The phrase is frequently used in oral speech and can appear in written contexts, often found in descriptions of events or changes in state. Its usage can range from casual conversations to more formal writing.

Example Sentences

  1. La pintura se secó en seco y no se puede volver a usar.
  2. The paint dried up completely and cannot be used again.

  3. Se detuvo en seco cuando escuchó el ruido.

  4. He stopped abruptly when he heard the noise.

  5. La conversación terminó en seco cuando ella se fue de la habitación.

  6. The conversation ended suddenly when she left the room.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "en seco" is part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few:

  1. Dejar en seco - To leave someone or something high and dry.
  2. Me dejaste en seco cuando no viniste a la reunión.
  3. You left me high and dry when you didn't come to the meeting.

  4. Caer en seco - To fall suddenly.

  5. Él cayó en seco cuando el suelo se desmoronó.
  6. He fell suddenly when the ground crumbled.

  7. Parar en seco - To come to a sudden stop.

  8. El coche paró en seco ante el semáforo rojo.
  9. The car came to a sudden stop at the red light.

  10. Bailar en seco - To dance without music or rhythm.

  11. En la fiesta, todos bailaron en seco cuando se cortó la música.
  12. At the party, everyone danced without music when the sound cut off.


The phrase "en seco" combines "en," a preposition meaning "in" or "on," and "seco," which is the adjective for "dry." "Seco" is derived from the Latin word "siccus."

Synonyms and Antonyms


  1. Seco (dry)
  2. Áspero (rough) - in specific contexts, especially related to textures


  1. Húmedo (wet)
  2. Mojado (damp)
  3. Empapado (soaked)
