en su caso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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en su caso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"En su caso" is a prepositional phrase in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/ɛn su ˈkaso/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"En su caso" translates literally to "in his/her case" and is commonly used in legal and formal contexts to refer to a specific individual or situation. It implies that the following statement or condition is relevant to the person or case being referenced. The phrase is often used in both written and oral forms, frequently appearing in legal documents, official communications, and during discussions that need clarification concerning an individual's circumstances.

Frequency of Use

The phrase is moderately used in Spanish, particularly in formal settings. It is prevalent in written legal contexts but is also common in conversational contexts where distinctions about individual cases are necessary.

Example Sentences

  1. "El juez determinará la sentencia en su caso."
  2. "The judge will determine the sentence in his/her case."

  3. "En su caso, es importante analizar todos los detalles."

  4. "In your case, it is important to analyze all the details."

  5. "Este artículo se aplica en su caso particular."

  6. "This article applies in your particular case."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "en su caso" is not a standalone idiomatic expression, it often appears in conjunction with phrases that address specific situations or conditions. Here are several expressions incorporating the phrase:

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Si hay algún error, por favor házmelo saber en su caso."
  2. "If there is any error, please let me know in your case."

  3. "En su caso, tendríamos que presentar una apelación."

  4. "In his/her case, we would have to file an appeal."

  5. "Las políticas se adaptarán en su caso específico."

  6. "The policies will be adapted in your specific case."

  7. "Sería bueno revisar las pruebas en su caso."

  8. "It would be good to review the evidence in their case."

  9. "En su caso, le recomendaremos un abogado especializado."

  10. "In your case, we will recommend a specialized lawyer."


The phrase "en su caso" combines the preposition "en," meaning "in," with "su," which is the possessive pronoun meaning "his," "her," or "your," depending on context, and "caso," which is a noun meaning "case." The word "caso" comes from Latin "casus," meaning "fall" or "event," which conveys a situation or instance.

Synonyms and Antonyms


