"En tanto que" is a conjunction phrase in Spanish.
/ɛn ˈtanto ke/
"En tanto que" is used in the Spanish language to indicate a conditional or concurrent relationship between two clauses or actions. It conveys a sense of "while" or "as long as," often linking scenarios or conditions. This phrase is used in both written and oral contexts but tends to appear more frequently in formal or literary contexts. It is considered somewhat formal or sophisticated.
En tanto que no lleguen las noticias, seguimos esperando.
Insofar as the news doesn't arrive, we keep waiting.
Ella trabajará en tanto que le paguen bien.
She will work as long as they pay her well.
En tanto que los recursos sean limitados, es difícil llevar a cabo el proyecto.
As long as resources are limited, it is difficult to carry out the project.
"En tanto que" is part of several idiomatic expressions, although it is not as commonly found in idiomatic phrases as some other conjunctions. Nevertheless, it can still be part of expressions that convey broader meanings. Here are some examples:
En tanto que hay vida, hay esperanza.
As long as there is life, there is hope.
En tanto que la vida sigue, nosotros debemos adaptarnos.
Insofar as life goes on, we must adapt.
Actuaremos en tanto que se respeten los derechos humanos.
We will act as long as human rights are respected.
En tanto que los problemas persistan, buscaremos soluciones.
As long as problems persist, we will seek solutions.
The phrase "en tanto que" combines several elements: - "en": a preposition meaning "in" or "at." - "tanto": an adjective meaning "so much," or "as much." - "que": a conjunction meaning "that" or "which."
Together, these elements create a phrase that points to a condition or limitation regarding a situation.
Synonyms: - En la medida en que (Insofar as) - Mientras (While)
Antonyms: - A pesar de que (Despite) - Aunque (Although)