enaguachar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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enaguachar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "enaguachar" is generally used in colloquial Spanish to describe the action of smearing or spreading a substance, often referring to something sticky or messy. It may refer to the act of applying a layer of material, such as a cream, paste, or sauce, onto a surface. It is more frequently used in informal or oral contexts than in formal writing.

Example Sentences

  1. La chef decidió enaguachar el pastel con chocolate.
    (The chef decided to smear the cake with chocolate.)

  2. Ten cuidado de no enaguachar la mesa mientras comes.
    (Be careful not to smear the table while you eat.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Enaguachar" is not part of many standard idiomatic expressions, but its usage can be figurative in specific regions or contexts. Here are some expressions that may employ the verb:

  1. Enaguachar la situación.
    (To smear the situation.)
    Meaning: To complicate or make a situation messy.

  2. No enaguaches tus ideas.
    (Don't smear your ideas.)
    Meaning: Don't complicate or clutter your thoughts.

  3. Siempre enaguacha todo con drama.
    (He/She always smears everything with drama.)
    Meaning: To add unnecessary drama to a situation.

  4. No enaguachamos la fiesta con problemas.
    (Let’s not smear the party with problems.)
    Meaning: Let’s not ruin the fun with issues.


The word "enaguachar" is believed to come from the Spanish prefix "en-" which often indicates "to put into" or "to cover." The root "aguachar," could derive from the combination of "agua" (water) and possibly allude to the act of making something wet or moist.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Untar (to spread) - Cubrir (to cover) - Extender (to extend)

Antonyms - Limpiar (to clean) - Despejar (to clear) - Secar (to dry)

In conclusion, "enaguachar" is a verb that reflects an action often associated with applying a substance in a messy or informal manner, primarily found in colloquial usage. It has various contexts and subtle meanings according to the region and circumstance.
