enamorado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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enamorado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "enamorado" is primarily used as an adjective. It can also function as a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "enamorado" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is:

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Enamorado" means "in love" and describes someone who has fallen in love with another person. As an adjective, it indicates a state of being emotionally enamored, while as a noun, it refers specifically to a person who is in love.

In the Spanish language, this word is often used in both oral and written contexts, though it tends to be more frequent in spoken conversation, especially in romantic contexts.

Example sentences: 1. "Él está muy enamorado de ella."
"He is very much in love with her."

  1. "Los enamorados suelen compartir momentos especiales."
    "Lovers often share special moments."

  2. "Estaba tan enamorado que no podía pensar en otra cosa."
    "He was so in love that he couldn't think of anything else."

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "enamorado" appears in various idiomatic expressions in the Spanish language, often emphasizing feelings of love or affection. Here are some examples:

  1. "Estar enamorado hasta los huesos."
    "To be head over heels in love."
    This expression indicates a deep, profound level of love.

  2. "Caer enamorado a primera vista."
    "To fall in love at first sight."
    This phrase describes the experience of instantly falling in love with someone upon first seeing them.

  3. "Estar como un enamorado."
    "To be like a lovesick fool."
    This phrase is used to describe someone acting overly joyful or silly due to being in love.

  4. "Enamorado de la vida."
    "In love with life."
    This expression signifies someone who is very passionate and enthusiastic about life in general.

  5. "Ser un enamorado del arte."
    "To be an art lover."
    This indicates a strong affection or passion for art.


The word "enamorado" originates from the Spanish verb "enamorar," which means "to make someone fall in love." This verb itself is derived from the Latin "inamorare," with the prefix "in-" meaning "to" and "amor," which means "love."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Afectado (affected) - Amado (loved one) - Pretendiente (suitor)

Antonyms: - Desenamorado (unloved) - Indiferente (indifferent) - Desinteresado (uninterested)

In summary, "enamorado" is a versatile word describing a state of love that is deeply woven into the fabric of Spanish-speaking cultures, evident through its frequent use in both everyday language and various idiomatic expressions.
