enano - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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enano (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "enano" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "enano" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /eˈnano/.

Translation Options into English

  1. dwarf
  2. midget
  3. tiny one (colloquial)

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "enano" refers to a person of dwarf stature or someone who is significantly shorter than average. It can be used formally in medical or scientific contexts to describe dwarfism or informally to describe someone small or insignificant. The term has a neutral connotation in formal usage but may carry derogatory implications if used in a pejorative context.

The frequency of use of "enano" is moderate; it appears in both written and spoken contexts, but it is more commonly found in oral speech among colloquial phrases or when making physical descriptions.

Example Sentences

  1. Él es un enano pero tiene un gran corazón.
    He is a dwarf but has a big heart.

  2. En el circo, había un enano que hacía malabares.
    At the circus, there was a dwarf who juggled.

  3. No debes llamar a alguien enano, es ofensivo.
    You shouldn't call someone a dwarf; it's offensive.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "enano" can be part of several idiomatic expressions, although it is not as commonly featured in idioms as other words. Here are some expressions that sometimes incorporate "enano":

Idiomatic Examples

  1. Estar enano entre gigantes.
    To be a dwarf among giants.
    This expression refers to feeling small or insignificant in a large group or among powerful individuals.

  2. Ver el mundo desde el enano.
    To see the world from the dwarf's perspective.
    This means to have a limited view or understanding of a situation.

  3. El enano de los problemas.
    The dwarf of problems.
    This phrase can refer to minor issues that are being blown out of proportion.

  4. Enano en el bolsillo, gigante en el corazón.
    Dwarf in the pocket, giant in the heart.
    This expression emphasizes that someone may appear small or insignificant but has a huge personality or capacity for generosity.

  5. Con el enano, la vida no es enana.
    With the dwarf, life is not small.
    Suggesting that someone of shorter stature brings larger-than-life qualities to experiences.


The word "enano" originates from the Latin "nanus," meaning "dwarf." This Latin term is derived from the Greek "nanos," which has a similar meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "enano" is a multifaceted term in Spanish that can have various connotations based on context, usage, and the way it is presented in language.
