enardecer - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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enardecer (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Enardecer" is a verb in Spanish that generally means to instigate a strong emotional response, often of excitement or passion. It can refer to intensifying feelings, stirring up enthusiasm, or instigating conflict in a figurative sense. The word is used in both oral and written contexts but may be more prevalent in literature and formal discourse due to its somewhat poetic connotation. Its frequency of use is considered moderate.

Example Sentences

  1. El discurso del líder fue capaz de enardecer a la multitud.
    The leader's speech was able to inflame the crowd.

  2. La noticia comenzó a enardecer el debate entre los ciudadanos.
    The news began to excite the debate among the citizens.

  3. Su talento para enardecer a la audiencia lo convirtió en un gran artista.
    His talent for exciting the audience made him a great artist.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Enardecer" is not as common in idiomatic expressions as some other verbs, but it can be found in contexts that evoke strong emotions or encourage action.

  1. Enardecer los ánimos.
    To inflame the spirits.
  2. La llegada del equipo rival enardeció los ánimos entre los aficionados.
    The arrival of the rival team inflamed the spirits among the fans.

  3. Enardecer el debate.
    To inflame the debate.

  4. Las opiniones diversas en la reunión enardecieron el debate sobre el proyecto.
    The diverse opinions in the meeting inflamed the debate about the project.

  5. Enardecer el fervor.
    To inflame the fervor.

  6. Su música tiene el poder de enardecer el fervor de sus seguidores.
    His music has the power to inflame the fervor of his followers.


The verb "enardecer" comes from the Latin "inardescere," which means "to become inflamed." It is a combination of "in-" (a prefix indicating direction or movement) and "ardescere," from "ardeo," meaning "to burn." Thus, "enardecer" conveys the idea of stimulating a burning or passionate response.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Inflamar - Incitar - Excitar - Provocar

Antonyms: - Apaciguar - Calmar - Sofocar - Reprimir
