encabezamiento - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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encabezamiento (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Encabezamiento" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/enkabeθaˈmjento/ (in Spain)
/enkabezaˈmjento/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Encabezamiento" primarily refers to the title or heading at the top of a document, section, or a piece of text. It is commonly used in various contexts, including legal documents, technical reports, and academic papers. The term is often encountered in both written and oral speech, particularly in educational, professional, and legal settings.

In terms of frequency, "encabezamiento" is more prevalent in written contexts such as reports, legal documents, and academic texts compared to everyday spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. El encabezamiento del informe debe ser claro y conciso.
    The heading of the report must be clear and concise.

  2. En el caso legal, el encabezamiento del documento indica la parte demandante.
    In the legal case, the heading of the document indicates the plaintiff.

  3. Los encabezamientos en el artículo ayudan a organizar la información.
    The headings in the article help to organize the information.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "encabezamiento" is not particularly known for robust idiomatic expressions, it can appear in several contexts that refer more broadly to organization or signaling a beginning. Here are a few idiomatic usages:

  1. Un buen encabezamiento es la llave para captar la atención del lector.
    A good heading is the key to capturing the reader's attention.

  2. El encabezamiento de su discurso marcó el tono de la presentación.
    The heading of his speech set the tone for the presentation.

  3. No olvides incluir tu nombre y fecha en el encabezamiento de tu trabajo.
    Don’t forget to include your name and date in the heading of your work.

  4. Cada capítulo comienza con un encabezamiento que resume el contenido.
    Each chapter begins with a heading that summarizes the content.

  5. Un encabezamiento claro previene confusiones en la lectura.
    A clear heading prevents confusion in reading.


The term "encabezamiento" is derived from the Spanish verb "encabezar," which means "to head" or "to lead," combined with the noun suffix "-miento," which indicates an action or process. Therefore, "encabezamiento" literally translates to the act of heading or leading.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Título (title)
- Encabezado (heading)
- Rubro (heading/section)

- Conclusión (conclusion)
- Fin (end)
- Descripción (description)
