encabezar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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encabezar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (verb)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Encabezar" is used in Spanish to denote the act of leading, directing, or being at the forefront of an activity, organization, movement, or initiative. It can pertain to situations in various contexts, including politics, business, and social movements. The word is frequently used both in oral and written forms. However, it might appear more often in formal contexts such as reports, news articles, or academic writings.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella fue elegida para encabezar el proyecto de renovación de la comunidad.
  2. She was chosen to head up the community renewal project.

  3. El ministro decidió encabezar la reunión urgente sobre la crisis económica.

  4. The minister decided to lead the urgent meeting on the economic crisis.

  5. La organización intenta encabezar la lucha por los derechos humanos en el país.

  6. The organization seeks to spearhead the fight for human rights in the country.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Encabezar" is not commonly part of many idiomatic expressions, but it can be used in several phrases that emphasize leadership or initiative.

  1. Encabezar una lista
  2. Encabeza la lista de los mejores estudiantes de la clase.
  3. He tops the list of the best students in the class.

  4. Encabezar una campaña

  5. Ellos decidieron encabezar la campaña para recaudar fondos para los necesitados.
  6. They decided to lead the campaign to raise funds for those in need.

  7. Encabezar una marcha

  8. Los activistas se preparan para encabezar la marcha por la justicia social.
  9. The activists are preparing to lead the march for social justice.

  10. Encabezar un esfuerzo

  11. La empresa quiere encabezar un esfuerzo para la sostenibilidad ambiental.
  12. The company wants to spearhead an effort for environmental sustainability.


The word "encabezar" comes from the Spanish prefix "en-" which indicates a change of state or condition, and "cabeza," meaning "head." Therefore, "encabezar" carries the connotation of being at the head of something or leading it.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Liderar (to lead) - Dirigir (to direct) - Presidir (to preside over)

Antonyms: - Seguir (to follow) - Obedecer (to obey) - Someterse (to submit)

This comprehensive overview of "encabezar" illustrates its multifaceted use in different contexts and provides insights into its meanings, usages, and related linguistic elements.
