The patient emitted a rattle before passing away.
Los médicos identificaron un estertor en la respiración del enfermo.
The doctors identified a snore in the patient's breathing.
El estertor de la abuela anunciaba que su salud estaba empeorando.
While estertor itself does not have many idiomatic expressions, it is often associated with the context of end-of-life discussions and healthcare scenarios. Many idioms and phrases revolve around illness or approaching death in Spanish, highlighting the somber nature of its use. Here are some contexts in which it appears:
"Escuchar el estertor de la muerte."
"To hear the rattle of death."
"El estertor de un alma que se va."
"The rattle of a soul that departs."
"No hay más estertor que el del que se despide."
"There is no rattle greater than that of one taking their leave."
"Su respiro era un estertor de sufrimiento."
"His breath was a rattle of suffering."
"El estertor final es un signo de que todo ha terminado."
Gorgoteo (gurgling)
This comprehensive information covers various aspects of the word estertor, aiding in a deeper understanding of its significance and usage in the Spanish language.