estrechamente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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estrechamente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "estrechamente" in Spanish means "in a close manner" or "tightly." It is an adverb used to describe actions or situations that are done with intensity or close proximity, either in a physical sense or figuratively, such as in relationships or connections. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, but may appear more often in formal writing and technical discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Los dos países colaboran estrechamente en temas de seguridad.
  2. The two countries collaborate closely on security issues.

  3. Los investigadores trabajaron estrechamente para resolver el problema.

  4. The researchers worked closely to solve the problem.

  5. Estrechamente vinculados, los dos hermanos comparten todos sus secretos.

  6. Closely linked, the two brothers share all their secrets.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "estrechamente" is often found in idiomatic expressions, particularly those that emphasize connection or proximity. Below are some examples:

  1. "Estrechar la mano" (to shake hands) implica un acuerdo estrechamente relacionado con la confianza.
  2. "To shake hands" implies an agreement closely linked with trust.

  3. "Estrechar lazos" significa reforzar relaciones familiarias o amistosas estrechamente.

  4. "To strengthen ties" means to reinforce closely-knit family or friendly relationships.

  5. "Estrecho contacto" se refiere a mantener una relación estrechamente comunicada.

  6. "Close contact" refers to maintaining a tightly communicated relationship.

  7. "Estrecha colaboración" indica trabajar juntos de manera muy cercana.

  8. "Close collaboration" indicates working together in a very tight manner.

  9. "Estrecha vigilancia" se utiliza para señalar un control cercano sobre una situación.

  10. "Close surveillance" is used to indicate tight control over a situation.

  11. "Estrechamente relacionado" describe cosas que tienen una conexión muy cercana.

  12. "Closely related" describes things that have a very tight connection.


The word "estrechamente" derives from the adjective estrecho, which means "narrow" or "tight." This word has Latin origins from the word strictus, the past participle of stringere, meaning "to bind" or "to draw tight," indicating a close or narrow connotation.


