estrellar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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estrellar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Estrellar" is a transitive verb in Spanish that primarily means "to crash" or "to smash." It is commonly used in both colloquial and formal contexts. The term can refer to the act of colliding with something or breaking an object into pieces, often used in contexts involving accidents or violent impacts.

The use of the word varies in frequency depending on context; it is more prevalent in spoken language, particularly in casual conversations or descriptions of accidents.

Example Sentences

  1. Estrellar el coche contra un árbol fue un error grave.
  2. "Crashing the car into a tree was a serious mistake."

  3. La pelota se estrelló contra la ventana y la rompió.

  4. "The ball smashed against the window and broke it."

  5. El piloto temía estrellar el avión durante la tormenta.

  6. "The pilot feared crashing the plane during the storm."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "estrellar" itself is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it can accompany other phrases in more colloquial speech. Here are some examples:

  1. Estrellarse contra la realidad.
  2. "To crash against reality."
  3. Este joven va a tener que estrellarse contra la realidad de que no tiene tantas habilidades como cree.
  4. "This young man is going to have to crash against the reality that he doesn't have as many skills as he thinks."

  5. Estrellar un sueño.

  6. "To shatter a dream."
  7. La noticia de su rechazo estrelló su sueño de estudiar en el extranjero.
  8. "The news of his rejection shattered his dream of studying abroad."

  9. Estrellar la taza.

  10. "To smash the cup."
  11. Con el temblor, se le estrelló la taza en la mesa.
  12. "With the tremor, the cup smashed on the table."


The word "estrellar" is derived from the Latin "stella," meaning "star," but in the context of its current meaning, it relates more closely to terms connected with crashing or failing spectacularly (similar to how a star might "fall" or be "smashed"). The transformation into a verb likely relates to the imagery of something being broken dramatically, like a star falling from the sky.



The term "estrellar" captures vivid imagery of impact and destruction, making it a powerful word in the Spanish language both for everyday conversation and expressive narratives.
