estuario - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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estuario (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Estuario" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Use

In Spanish, "estuario" refers to a coastal water body where freshwater from rivers or streams meets and mixes with saltwater from the ocean. This area is characterized by a unique ecosystem that is often rich in biodiversity, providing critical habitats for various species of flora and fauna.

Example Sentences

  1. Los estuarios son importantes ecosistemas que albergan una gran variedad de especies.
    (Estuaries are important ecosystems that host a wide variety of species.)

  2. El estuario del río es un lugar ideal para observar aves migratorias.
    (The estuary of the river is an ideal place to observe migratory birds.)

  3. Muchos pescadores dependen de los recursos que ofrece el estuario local.
    (Many fishermen depend on the resources that the local estuary provides.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "estuario" itself may not be part of many idiomatic expressions, it is frequently used in scientific and environmental contexts and can be part of phrases related to ecological discussions. Here are a few example sentences using "estuario" in a broader context:

  1. La salud del estuario depende de la calidad del agua de los ríos que lo alimentan.
    (The health of the estuary depends on the quality of the water from the rivers that feed it.)

  2. Proteger el estuario es fundamental para mantener la biodiversidad de la región.
    (Protecting the estuary is essential for maintaining the biodiversity of the region.)

  3. La contaminación en el estuario puede afectar gravemente a las especies marinas.
    (Pollution in the estuary can severely affect marine species.)


The word "estuario" originates from the Latin term "estuarium," which comes from "aestus," meaning "tide" or "surge." This reflects the dynamic nature of estuaries, where the mixing of freshwater and seawater is influenced by tidal movements.

Synonyms and Antonyms

The term "estuario" is essential in environmental discussions owing to its ecological significance, linking both geographic features and the marine ecosystem.
