estuco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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estuco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Estuco refers to a material made from a mixture of lime, water, sand, and sometimes cement, used for covering walls and ceilings. It serves both protective and decorative purposes in construction. In the context of construction, estuco is employed primarily in building exteriors and interiors, often for its aesthetics and durability.

Frequency of Use: The word "estuco" is frequently used in the building industry and architecture, though it may not be as commonly encountered in everyday conversation. It tends to be used more often in written contexts, such as in construction manuals, architectural designs, and real estate descriptions.

Example Sentences

  1. El estuco de la pared necesita una nueva capa para protegerlo de la humedad.
  2. The stucco on the wall needs a new layer to protect it from moisture.

  3. La casa tiene un acabado de estuco que le da un aspecto elegante y moderno.

  4. The house has a stucco finish that gives it an elegant and modern look.

  5. Es importante asegurarse de que el estuco se aplique de manera uniforme para evitar imperfecciones.

  6. It is important to ensure that the stucco is applied evenly to avoid imperfections.

Idiomatic Expressions

While the word "estuco" may not be commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it can be used metaphorically in some contexts, often to refer to covering up or concealing something.

  1. Cubrir con estuco - To cover up (metaphorically).
  2. No debemos cubrir la verdad con estuco; es mejor ser honestos.
  3. We shouldn’t cover the truth with stucco; it’s better to be honest.

  4. Hacer estuco de algo - To beautify or polish over an issue.

  5. No hagas estuco de tus problemas, enfrenta la realidad.
  6. Don’t polish over your problems; face reality.

  7. El estuco de las apariencias - The façade of appearances.

  8. El estuco de las apariencias puede engañar a muchos.
  9. The façade of appearances can deceive many.


The term "estuco" comes from the Italian word "stucco," which originated from the Latin "stucus," meaning plaster or mortar. Its use has been adopted in various languages with similar meanings relating to plastering materials.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Yeso (plaster) - Enlucido (rendering)

Antonyms: - Desnudez (nakedness) - Exposición (exposure)

The word "estuco" may have limited synonyms when considering specific construction contexts, but it is generally aligned with materials that serve a similar function in construction and decoration.
