estupefaciente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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estupefaciente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Estupefaciente is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/ˌestupefaˈθjente/ (in Spain) or /ˌestupefaˈsjente/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Estupefaciente refers to substances that have the property of inducing sedation, euphoria, or numbness, typically associated with drugs like opioids, cannabinols, and similar narcotics. In legal and medical contexts, this term is often used to describe controlled substances that can lead to addiction or overdose.

The frequency of use for the word "estupefaciente" is moderate to high in written contexts, such as legal documents, medical literature, and health-related discussions. It is less common in everyday oral conversation unless discussing drug-related topics.

Example Sentences

  1. Los estupefacientes son a menudo objeto de abuso en diversas sociedades.
    Narcotics are often the object of abuse in various societies.

  2. Es importante que los médicos prescriban estupefacientes solo en situaciones necesarias.
    It is important for doctors to prescribe narcotics only in necessary situations.

  3. La ley tiene estrictas regulaciones sobre la venta de estupefacientes.
    The law has strict regulations on the sale of narcotic drugs.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "estupefaciente" is less common in idiomatic expressions, it can be included in several relevant phrases regarding substance abuse or drug enforcement.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Mucha gente entra en problemas por los estupefacientes, pero hay programas de rehabilitación.
    Many people get into trouble due to narcotics, but there are rehabilitation programs.

  2. La conciencia sobre los efectos de los estupefacientes ha aumentado en los últimos años.
    Awareness of the effects of narcotics has increased in recent years.

  3. El gobierno está trabajando para reducir el tráfico de estupefacientes en el país.
    The government is working to reduce the trafficking of narcotic drugs in the country.

  4. Los estupefacientes no solo afectan al cuerpo, sino también a la mente.
    Narcotics affect not only the body but also the mind.


The word estupefaciente comes from the Latin root "stupefacere," which means “to stun” or “to make numb.” It has evolved in modern Spanish to specifically refer to substances that cause such effects, particularly in a medical and legal context.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Narcótico - Droga (in the context of narcotics)

Antonyms: - Estimulante (stimulant) - Revitalizante (revitalizing agent)

This comprehensive overview encapsulates the meaning, uses, and context surrounding the word "estupefaciente" in Spanish, emphasizing its relevance in legal and medical discussions.
