exhorto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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exhorto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "exhorto" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "exhorto" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /eksˈoɾ.to/.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "exhorto" refers to a formal request, directive, or warning, often used in legal contexts. It generally implies urging someone to take a certain action or adhere to specific rules or behaviors. In Chilean law, "exhorto" can refer to a judicial order to comply with legal provisions or to appear in court. The frequency of use is moderate, with a leaning towards written contexts, especially in legal documents, official communications, and judicial proceedings. While it may not be common in everyday conversation, its formal tone keeps it relevant in legal discourse.

Example Sentences

  1. El juez emitió un exhorto para que los testigos se presentaran a la audiencia.
    The judge issued a warning for the witnesses to appear at the hearing.

  2. Se envió un exhorto al acusado para que cumpliera con las normas dictadas.
    A command was sent to the accused to comply with the prescribed rules.

  3. El exhorto de la corte fue claro sobre las consecuencias de no cumplir.
    The court's exhortation was clear about the consequences of non-compliance.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "exhorto" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it plays a significant role in the context of legal terminology and formal directives. Here are some phrases that utilize "exhorto":

  1. Hacer un exhorto a la ciudadanía
    To make an exhortation to the citizens.
  2. Es importante hacer un exhorto a la ciudadanía para que se respete la ley.
  3. It is important to make an exhortation to the citizens to respect the law.

  4. Exhorto a la responsabilidad
    Exhortation to responsibility

  5. El presidente hizo un exhorto a la responsabilidad ante la crisis.
  6. The president made an exhortation to responsibility in light of the crisis.

  7. Cumplir con el exhorto judicial
    To comply with the judicial exhortation

  8. Es necesario cumplir con el exhorto judicial para evitar sanciones.
  9. It is necessary to comply with the judicial exhortation to avoid penalties.


The word "exhorto" originates from the Latin "exhortum," which derives from "exhortari" meaning "to urge, encourage, or exhort." This reflects its current meaning of calling or urging someone to act in a certain way.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Intimación (Intimation) - Orden (Order) - Advertencia (Warning)

Antonyms: - Permiso (Permission) - Aceptación (Acceptance) - Desinterés (Indifference)
